ZEBRIS Geo-IT GmbH is a renowned service and consulting company with a focus on supporting sustainable management of natural resources through geoinformation. We offer solutions and services using the methods of geoinformatics and remote sensing as well as scientific consulting services for forestry, water management, environmental monitoring, soil protection, agriculture and fire management.
Our team members have sound experience in the implementation of projects in various application fields and in the development and application of geospatial technologies for public authorities, companies and in research-related projects.
The combination of professional competence in the application area with expert knowledge in GIS is the recipe for solving even the most challenging problems.
Our technical focus lies in the following application areas:
- Drinking water protection
- River basin management
- Landscape conservation
- Forestry, in particular forest information systems
- Monitoring of forest and vegetation fires
- Soil science
- International cooperation
- Geodata management in public administration
Gernot Rücker

Gernot Rücker is co-founder and managing director of ZEBRIS. In one of ZEBRIS’ first projects he was involved in mapping the catastrophic damage caused by fires in Indonesia. This work was later published in the prestigious scientific journal “Nature” and thus helped to raise awareness of the global significance of fires. The work on observing fires with the help of satellites eventually led to the development of the award-winning platform firemaps.net. Gernot Rücker has also worked in various projects on forests, soil protection and forest information systems in national and international projects. At ZEBRIS he is responsible for the areas of consulting on resource management, geoinformatics and Earth observation.
Jürgen Brendel

Jürgen Brendel already devoted himself to the topic of drinking water protection as part of his final thesis in geography at the University of Munich. In the more than 20 years since then, drinking water protection, work with geoinformation systems and environmental protection have been the core of his activities. After two years working for a GIS company in Dresden and two years as a research assistant at the TU Dresden he co-founded ZEBRIS. Here he dedicated himself to the development of an information system which is today, under the name LandManager, the market-leading system for supporting the cooperation between farmers and drinking water suppliers. As managing director of ZEBRIS he is responsible for the area of drinking water protection, landscape management and the information system LandManager.