For decades, N-ERGIE has been pursuing a policy of preventive drinking water protection with agricultural cooperations in the large water protection areas. With over 19,200 hectares, these cover a larger area than the city of Nuremberg itself. More than 80 % of the local farmers participate in the various drinking water protection measures and receive payments to compensate for the loss of harvest or additional expenditures. N-Ergie has been using LandManager for almost 20 years now to manage the water protection areas and, as a pioneer among users, has helped to design many program features.



Since 1997, intensive soil sampling has been carried out in all six water protection areas and entered into LandManager. This allows to establish a long time series on residual nitrogen content in the soils. Many different water protection subsidies are offered to the almost 200 contract farmers and each year a detailed calculation of the payments is made for each area.

In 2019, a web tool for LandManager was developed in close cooperation with the farmers. With this tool, farmers can enter new fields and planned crops directly over a web portal before the new agricultural year begins. Through the clear and intuitive user interface, farmers can directly enter the N fertilisation and pestizide and herbizide applications. An innovative communication platform has been created as an information system with maps, reports and document sharing functions, which is in use by close to 90 % of all contract farmers.

Your personal contact:

Jürgen Brendel