
In order to protect the Obersauer reservoir in Luxembourg, a large agricultural cooperation (LAKU) is being carried out in collaboration with the water supplier SEBES, the Obersauer Nature Park the farmers and agricultural extension services. To support this cooperation for the protection of drinking water, a new platform with web and mobile components based on LandManager is being developed.

SEBES (SYNDICAT DES EAUX DU BARRAGE D’ESCH-SUR-SÛRE), the major water supplier in Luxembourg is extracting water from the Upper Sûre reservoir. Together with the Oewersauer Nature Park, the agricultural cooperation “Landwirtschaflech Kooperatioun Uewersauer” (LAKU) with farmers in the catchment area is being implemented to protect the drinking water and combat increasing eutrophication of the lake in the entire catchment area of the dam.


LandManager has been used to manage this cooperation since 2017. In addition, a new platform with web and mobile components (LAKU Web and LAKU App) based on LandManager has been

developed together with SEBES, the nature park, farmers and consultants to support all stakeholders in their annual work flows.

 Download a flyer about the LAKU applications here.

A new water protection area ordinance is being drafted for the entire catchment area. The requirements of this ordinance are to be integrated into the LAKU applications so that farmers can check whether they are managing or planning in accordance with legal requirements as early as at the data input stage. For the recording and processing of general damages and violations in the new protected area, a separate mobile application is currently being developed for SEBES.


Your personal contact:

Jürgen Brendel